Summer Cooking: Old Recipe Compilation

Over the years I posted some easy recipes and now, when the City Market is brimming with fresh produce, is a good time to revisit a few of them. Some of the posts may look miss-formatted and Flickr stopped showing some of the photos when they took away their free photo hosting that used to come with the my internet service. If something is missing please let me know.

Zucchini Caviar:

Pickled Watermelon:

Stuffed Bell Peppers:

Eggplant Dip:

Red Borscht:

Green Borscht:

Red and Green borscht recipes are vegetarian, and can be eaten refreshingly cold on a hot and sweaty day.

Dill Pickles ( I have a fresh batch on my kitchen counter as I type this):

Pickled Tomatoes:

Roasted Bell Peppers with Garlic:

Kompot (fruit drink):

Eggplant salsa – caviar:

Garlicky Eggplant Tomato Sandwiches:

Marinated Leaf Lettuce:

Pickled Jalapeños (new crop is coming in right now):

And Honey-Marinated Bell Peppers :

As always, these recipes may or may not be authentic, but that’s how I cook them so deal with it. I know of at least one person who tried a few of these and survived, and hope so will you.