Queue the soundtrack:
[audio:https://www.kcmeesha.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/06/21-Along-The-Santa-Fe-Trail.mp3]Long time ago, when the native prairie didn’t yet need to be restored…
…and the Santa Fe Trail wasn’t a tourist attraction…
…the Barlow-Sanderson Overland Mail Company was operating a stage line from Missouri to California, stopping at the Mahaffie Farm in Olathe to rest.

150 years later a local sculptor recreated the stagecoach in a full-scale bronze sculpture “Going West”.
The sculpture stands out for its attention to detail, from the tackle on the horses, to the people in the scene, who were apparently modeled after some Mahaffie employees.
Free-standing figures add another dimension to the scene.
This sculpture represents Olathe among the other cities with monumental art like Dallas’ famous Cattle Drive.