• Reenactor’s Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder

    After my previous post I received a comment disagreeing with my premise of total absence of good-looking people at the Civil War reenactment events. Well, there may have been one good-looking gentleman at the reenactment but I don’t concern myself with looking at other guys. I will revise my statement to say “rarely you will find a good-looking person at one of these”.

    To support my thesis I am posting additional pictures of the Civil War Reenactment in Olathe from one of the previous years. Pay special attention to the one and only “cubic” boy. I wonder how long this boy would have survived in real war conditions.

    Created with Admarket’s flickrSLiDR.

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  • Old Photos: Kansas City’s Golden Calf

    Found this cool photo via Google Life Photo Archives. This bull is still standing in Kansas City, in a different spot and on a shorter pedestal.

    Plastic bull in Kansas City on top of Pylon in front of American Hereford Assn. Building. © Time Inc.Joseph Scherschel
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  • Driving Kansas: Burlington

    Apple-picking time is here again and that means another trip South, this time to an exciting destination of Burlington, KS. Somehow, I have never realized that the Wolf Creek Nuclear Generating Station is located near Burlington, or even in Kansas, but the distinct-looking domed building is clearly visible while approaching the town on HWY 75. We had to cut our visit to Burlington short because we had plans for the evening and my camera’s battery was getting low, but I did manage to snap a few photos and resolved to come back to the area for a more detailed look.

    At the first glance, Burlington the Coffey County seat –  is not much different from the other rural county seats in Kansas like Garnett or Cottonwood Falls.

    Similar-looking downtown, clean and in decent shape…

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  • Tebow Steals His Schtick From 1970’s KC Chiefs Player, Remains Unrepentant

    …although I don’t know if Charlie Getty actually prayed on the field. Probably not.

    Published in Kansas City Star, December 1979
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  • Behind The Iron Curtain: Katya’s Doves

    In 1986 the Iron Curtain was starting to lift and the Soviet and American people got their first glimpses of each other. That year Katya Lycheva traveled to the United States with the mission of peace and even met with the President Reagan.
    Few days ago I saw this article from some Russian publication of that time and translated it for the blog. It’s funny how even as late as 1986 the article had to include a mandatory “evil Americans” paragraph (highlighted).

    Katya’s Doves:

    This photograph shows Katya Lycheva. She is talking about the trip to the USA she took last spring with the delegation of the Soviet Committee for Peace.

    Katya was welcomed with warmth and hospitality. Children and teachers were waiting for her in schools. They decorated their classrooms, painted greeting banners and made souvenirs for her.

    From city to city a welcoming wave of warmth and hospitality was rolling with an increasing power. Chicago, New York, Washington D.C…. Children wanted to find out what Katya likes, learn her favorite songs.

    When during the first days of the trip in one of the schools in Brooklyn Katya started singing “Solnechny Krug” (Sun Circle) no one knew the song and could not join in. But days later in Los Angeles the whole audience was singing with Katya “May there always be sunshine”!

    However, today’s America showed Katya its hostile, slanderous, malicious underside. The enemies of peace and disarmament tried their best to harm Katya’s mission. They asked sneaky questions at press-conferences. They tried to catch her off-guard to take embarrassing pictures. They threatened her over the phone and tried to intimidate her.

    Despite all these efforts, she showed up at all scheduled meeting happy, smiling and calm like the day before and again the children tried to reach out to her together with those adults, who want peaceful, wonderful life for everyone on this planet.

    Katya came home, but in the hearts of hundreds of American children remained the feeling of gratitude to her, for the first time they got to learn the truth about our country. They also cherished white paper doves with the addresses of the Soviet boys and girls written on their wings – addresses of friendship.

    Katya Lycheva honorably carried out the mission started by her little American counterpart Samantha Smith.

    The sky’s bright blue.
    The sun is up high—
    This is the little boy’s picture
    He drew it for you
    and then wrote there for you.
    Just to make clear what he drew.
    May there always be sunshine,
    May there always be blue skies,
    May there always be my mama,
    May there always be me!


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