Yes, I know Israel is not in the West, but, as you will see below, hardly any caricature from the Soviet satirical magazine Krokodil depicting Israel went without bringing the United States into the picture. Having a lot of Jewish friends and/or people who know my email address, I frequently receive emails and links to various examples of anti-Israel and antisemitic propaganda being published around the world; recently started Advocacy KC Israel page is keeping me updated on the latest creations of that nature. However, all the newly-minted humorists should stand back in awe and acknowledge the original and still unsurpassed masters of the anti-Israel humor – the Soviet caricaturists and satirists.
While looking through the images below, published in the late 1960’s – early 1970’s, keep in mind that they express the official position of the Soviet Government. All the press, including Krokodil, was state-owned and 100% censored and vetted by the appropriate branches of the Government and the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. Frequently the subject of the next outburst of humor was directly dictated by the ideology departments on various levels. What makes these cartoons even more sinister is that at the same time when they were published the USSR was thinking up, creating, financing and arming the PLO and Yasser Arafat. As an aside, recently when I mentioned this in an argument I was told that this is my personal opinion, however, multiple authentic documents (in Russian) exist, clearly demonstrating the Soviet overt and covert support of the PLO’s terrorist activities.
With that in mind, take a look at these images, most of which are probably shown in the West for the first time.
Hide and Seek. New York Police pretends not to be able to find the Zionist perpetrators of the provocations against the Soviet establishments and citizens. 1976.
Links of the same chain -Israel and South African Republic. (Anvil is marked “Africa”) 1972“Give me some fire, I can’t make out what it says” while reading UN resolution. 1969Behind the cover. 1969.-General, the UN representative just arrived! -Entertain him with talk about the Arab aggression.Over-the-shoulder bag. Front:peace proposals on the Middle East. Back:weapons for Israel. 1969.Top: Israel is recruiting mercenaries in Western Europe.The first group of 70 arrived from the Western Germany. Bottom: So what do we start with – Oradour or Majdanek? (names of WWII concentration camps) 1969.The US Government officially allowed US citizens to serve in the Israeli Army. The sign says “To Israel”. 1969.Ali Baba and 40 thieves. 1969.Top: Map of the Arab world. Bottom: Map of the Great Israel. Caption: Stitch this piece on! 1970.Moshe Dayan (Israeli military leader and politician) at the eye doctor: No,can’t see anything! (looking at the UN resolution) 1970.Dayan’s Face. Bottom left: factory Bottom right: school. 1970.Top: Emissaries from Israel constantly visit the Western capitals begging for million dollar donations to conduct bandit,aggressive war. Bottom: Too bad, colleague, that we are far from politics. 1970.Top: Had a little too much… Bottom: Now I’ll show you where lies the border of the Great Israel.1970.Delusional Mirage. 1970.American Virgin with babies. 20th century A.D. (The one on the left is Greek Junta). 1970.Profitable serenade. 1970.Freedom of actions. 1971.At the Suez Canal. The ship is named “Peaceful Initiatives of United Arab Republic” 1971.Weapon of aggression. 1971.Links of the same chain. Thousands of Arab patriots are locked without the trial and investigation in Israel’s prisons and concentration camps. 1971.Zionist sight. The building is marked “UN”With their own drill. The field is captioned “Arab Lands”1972Trying to stake out. The poles are captioned “Border. Great Israel”. The field “Arab Land”. 1972.We are trying to find a way to a peaceful resolution.1972.The chassis of the Israel’s military. Top: Zionist organisations generously donate to Israel’s military needs. 1972.Aggressor’s invasion army. Front of the tank: Oil Companies. Land: Arab Lands.1972.Sinister shadow. 1972.