What I miss in the American foreign policy lately is the pizzaz; intricate covert plots; cleverly planned fully deniable coups; propaganda wars; spy-driven assassinations worthy of a Robert Ludlum novel; secret service dirty deals a la Iran Contra; mind-blowing, daring, underhanded activities that we usually expect from our multiple secret operations.
Instead, we see mostly ham-handed, simple-minded, anti-creative, doomed from the start, mindbogglingly expensive, unpopular foreign policies, that, until now, only George W.Bush was capable of producing, approving and implementing. Now, in what can be safely called Bush’s third term, we are bombing Libya while producing the lamest kind of bullshit statements to justify it.
I’d like to point out that I am not a pacifist by any means. I just like our reasons for bombing other countries to be little less obvious. And if you believe that we are “protecting civilians” over there, I have a Red Square for sale.
Continuing with my earlier post about the Soviet caricature, this set of drawings refers to oil-stimulated activities.

Members of ultra left wing political organisations attempt to destroy a U.S. flag during a protest outside the U.S. embassy during rally against their role in coalition air strikes on Libya. Ukraine, 21/03/2011And now we dance: Iosif Kobzon – Sunny peace – yes,yes,yes! Nuclear explosion – no, no, no!