I didn’t realize that my Independence, MO theme weekend coincides with the Truman Days.
Today’s old photo trivia question is: Where was the Medicare bill signed?
Act of 1965 was passed by Congress in late-spring of 1965 and signed into law on July 30, 1965, by President Lyndon B. Johnson as amendments to Social Security legislation. At the bill-signing ceremony President Johnson enrolled former President Harry S. Truman as the first Medicare beneficiary and presented him with the first Medicare card.
Pres. Johnson sitting at table w. former Pres. Harry Truman, w. (L-R) Lady Bird Johnson, VP Hubert Humphrey & Bess Truman during Medicare Bill signing in Independence, MO. © Time Inc. F. L. Miller
© Time Inc. F. L. Miller
Harry S. Truman at signing of Medicare bill.© Time Inc. F. L. Miller
More photos. More history.
And Now For Something Completely Similar