Jewish Holiday of Yom Kippur concludes today with a big dinner. Religious Jews observe this holy day with a 25-hour period of fasting and intensive prayer, often spending most of the day in synagogue services. I figured one out of three is better than nothing, so I didn’t eat all day. I did drink some water, if you ever had to talk on the phone for 8 hours, you’d know why.
I think when I am dead and being judged (or whatever happens), and I am being read a whole list of horrible things I’ve done in my lifetime I will be able to say: I know I did all that, BUT I didn’t eat on Yom Kippur. Maybe I’ll get a point or two…
During this time a Jew is supposed “to amend his behavior and seek forgiveness for wrongs done against God and against his fellow man”, so consider yourself asked, my fellow men and women and, I guess, God. I know I’ve done things…
Now that this is over with, I can start being my usual offensive and obnoxious self, albeit with a clean slate. Until next year…