• Kansas Roadtrips: Garnett and Osawatomie

    After our annual trip to the apple orchard we decided to visit Osawatomie – a small Kansas town we passed last month on the way to Galena. As always, I took a wrong turn and, since I was too lazy to get the map out of the trunk, we ended up passing through Garnett as well. Garnett, KS is a neat little town, clean and well-kept. The most impressive building in Garnett, like in many other county seats, is the Anderson County Courthouse.

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  • Old Photos: Charles Binaggio

    These old photo posts are probably not my most popular posts but definitely some of my most favorite. I usually start with a random query, then something attracts my attention and turns into a short lesson in history. This time, almost by accident, I found a few photos of Charles Binaggio and of course had to find out who Charles Binaggio was.

    Charles Binaggio (January 12, 1909 – April 5, 1950) was a Missouri gangster who became the boss of the Kansas City crime family and concocted a bold plan to control the police forces in Kansas City, Missouri and St. Louis, Missouri.

    Charles Binaggio sitting with his wife, while attending the William M. Boyle Jr. testimonial dinner.
    Charles Binaggio sitting with his wife, while attending the William M. Boyle Jr. testimonial dinner. © Time Inc. George Skadding
    Kansas City politician Charles Binaggios house, where he is a quiet nieghbor and enjoys working in the yard.
    Kansas City politician Charles Binaggio's house, where he is a quiet neighbor and enjoys working in the yard.© Time Inc. George Skadding

    On the night of April 5, 1950, Binaggio and his underboss, Charles “Mad Dog” Gargotta (a notorious enforcer within the Kansas City family), were called to meet some unknown persons at the First Ward Democratic Club near downtown Kansas City. Binaggio left his driver/bodyguard, Nick Penna, at a tavern owned by the mob, saying that he would return in a few minutes. Binaggio and Gargotta then borrowed a car and drove off to the Democratic Club.
    Shortly after eight pm, residents in apartments above the Democratic Club heard several shots. Eight hours later, a cab driver going to a nearby cafe noticed that the club door was open; he also heard water running inside. The police were called and they found the bodies of Charles Binaggio and Charles Gargotta inside the club. Binaggio was seated at a desk and Gargotta was lying inside the front door. Both men had been shot in the head four times with separate .32 caliber revolvers. The police theorized that Gargotta had been trying to escape the club when he was shot in the back of the head. As for the running water heard by the cabbie, it came from a broken toilet and was unrelated to the hit.

    Kansas City politician Charles Binaggio and his wife, were last seen here gambling.
    Kansas City politician Charles Binaggio and his wife, were last seen here gambling.© Time Inc. George Skadding
    The wake drawing crowds from all citys to see Charles Binaggio.
    The wake drawing crowds from all cities to see Charles Binaggio.© Time Inc. George Skadding

    Some people theorized that Binaggio and Gargotta were murdered by St. Louis gunmen; others said the hitmen came from Chicago. However, it is most likely that the two mob bosses were killed by members of their own crime family under orders from the Mafia Commission in New York The probable organizer of the hit was Gizzo, who no doubt received the leadership of the Kansas City family as a reward. In any case, the murderers were never found.

    Charles Binnagio’s grave is at the Mount Saint Mary’s Cemetery.
    Murder on Truman Road – an article in Time from April 1950.

    I have a lot more of the Life Magazine photos bookmarked and I intend to share them  mostly on weekends, so if this is not something you enjoy feel free to skip these posts in the future.

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  • Old Photos: Just Some Old Photos

    I’ve been meaning to use the word maven  on this blog for a long time, so here goes:

    Local antiquing maven and dealer Susan let me scan some of these random old photos before she puts them up for sale. Susan’s antiques can be found on Etsy, her Twitter, Facebook and blog, as well as at the River Market Antique Mall booth 622, but she highly recommends visiting the other 621 booths as well.

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  • Another Drop In My Bucket (List)

    I thought of another item to put on my bucket list (if it existed): I’d like to become a groupie (or is at a roadie? I need to get my terminology straight before I do it) for a mini donuts stand:

    I’d just follow this thing around the country and feed exclusively on “Lil’Orbits” until I die happily and quietly from clogged arteries at some random state’s fairgrounds. Now you could say that I should buy this miracle machine and stay home, but what do I do with my free spirit?

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  • And the Dove Came in to Him….

    Most religions start with some kind of revelation. Some guy while walking in the woods finds golden plates, next thing you know, two scmucks are knocking on your door asking strange questions. An old man walks to the top of the mountain, comes down with a couple of stone tablets, next thing you know I have to feel bad about eating bacon. A guy gets crucified, next thing you know….

    I may be on to something too. Lately, I started noticing that Dove Chocolate Promises contain unlimited supply of chocolate wisdom and life directives. After eating several bags of chocolates I now have enough wrappers to cover most of life’s questions and daily matters.


    The Promises can be divided into two categories: wisdom and directives.


    • Go to your special place
    • Go against the grain
    • Send a love letter this week
    • Don’t think about it so much
    • Follow your instincts
    • Whisper in the dark
    • Live your dreams
    • Wink at someone driving past today
    • Smile. People will wonder what you’ve been up to
    • Love without rules
    • Discover yourself
    • Watch reruns, they replay your memories


    • It’s definitely a bubble-bath day
    • There is a time for compromise…it’s called “later”
    • Sometimes one smile means more than a dozen roses
    • Age is nothing but a number
    • If they can do it, you know you can
    • When two hearts race both win
    • Temptation is fun…giving in is even better

    These pearls can be combined in an infinite number of ways. Try it:

    Don’t think about it so much+Go to your special place+Discover yourself

    See, it’s like a higher power telling you what to do.

    OK, I am back from my “special place” where I just “discovered myself” and I am “smiling” so “people will wonder what I’ve been up to”. Get it?

    I am on my quest to eat more Dove Promises to finally discover the secret of life. I found out that I can actually order my own Promises with old stand-by’s like “don’t pee against the wind” or “don’t eat yellow snow”.

    Inspirational AND practical!

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