• Here Chef, There Chef, Everywhere Chef, Chef

    The second most annoying trend in food writing after using the repulsive word “foodie” is overusing the word “Chef”. If everyone who just happened to be in a kitchen is considered a chef, then real chefs need to come up with a different work description. Apparently I am in a minority with this opinion and here is the proof – a screenshot of a recent episode of Hell’s Kitchen.

    Introducing J – the Food Court Chef:

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  • Old Photos: Khrushchev’s Trip To America

    © Time Inc. Hank Walker
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  • Vitamin S

    Starting in 1954 the Sugar Information, Inc. published ads in the  Life Magazine and others promoting the health and weight-loss benefits of sugar. Of course in the 1950’s the sugar was delicious, healthy and local, not the corporate white death we have to eat today. Girls used it for an energy boost during a long school day; women used it for dieting so they can look good on the beach; men used it for penis enlargement …well, ads didn’t actually mention men so no one knows what they used it for.

    I want that America back. Free of disgusting diet drinks and sugar-free Jell-O. Where sugar slimmed you down instead of making you fat. Where sugar cured diabetes and cancer. Where you could eat a teaspoon of sugar to keep you from getting hungry between other teaspoons of sugar. I want this awesome America back.

    That’s why I will be voting for Ron Paul in November even if he is not on the ballot and I am not registered to vote.

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  • Tebow Steals His Schtick From 1970’s KC Chiefs Player, Remains Unrepentant

    …although I don’t know if Charlie Getty actually prayed on the field. Probably not.

    Published in Kansas City Star, December 1979
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  • Don’t Shave Me, Bro!

    I am all about killing and eating tasty chickens but I draw the line at shaving them!


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