Old Newspapers: Random Old Stuff

I went to the library today with an idea to look up some articles about the streetcar battles of the olden days, and even though the article was there, the quality of the scan, or most likely the paper itself was not that great and I couldn’t easily make a readable copy. So I gave up on that idea, but the time was already wasted invested and I continued to ogle women scan the old papers.

*all images should be more or less readable when clicked.

Few clips are from 1882 and the rest of them are from the Kansas City papers from exactly 55 years ago, April 2, 1957.

This ad shows some effort – both sides of the column spell the name of the subdivision.

Painless tooth extractor is painful to look at.

This is one medication the big pharmaceutical companies don’t want you to know about – Burdock Blood Bitters.

Writes Mrs. J.G. Robinson of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania:

I was suffering from general debility, want of appetite, constipation, etc., so that life was a burden; after using Burdock Blood Bitters, I felt better than for years. I cannot praise your bitters too much.

David R. of Kansas City writes:

I was for over a year subject to a serious disorder of the kidneys, and was often unable to attend to business. I procured a bottle of your Burdock Blood Bitters, and was relieved before half a bottle was used. I intend to continue, as I am confident they will entirely cure me.

Donna W. of Missouri writes:

About four years ago I had an attack of bilious fever, and never fully recovered. My digestive organs were weakened and I would be completely prostrated for days. After using two bottles of your bitters, the improvement was so visible that I was astonished. I can now, though 61 years of age, do a fair and reasonable day’s work.

White and German girls were in demand:

This is the front page of the paper 55 years ago.

Nothing changed, maybe just the number of zeroes:

Good tuna fish speaks for itself:

Accidents happened…

…as well as robberies:

About town:

Blindfolded, a drill team of 12 Paseo cadets, under the leadership of Cadet Lt.James Daugherty, executed all the difficult drill movements with rifles, including the manual of arms.

Well-paid jobs included the secretary position for $250 a month.

We dare them all:

This one gets posted for the word schnook:

Are you missing half of the show?

Male and Female wanted ads were segregated:

Daily Red scare:

Sensational deal – a mattress to go with a portable radio.


Vintage H&R Block, vintage prices:

Train to Topeka and Wichita….

Hello from new Milgram:

[streetview width=”100%” height=”250px” lat=”39.053866″ lng=”-94.64220499999999″ heading=”-15.414948475019935″ pitch=”-2.2670671045484254″ zoom=”1″][/streetview]

Fly with pilots who fly the world:

Notice that this pilot was on loan to the Army during the WWII.